What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

It’s an autoimmune condition where your immune system (which usually switches on with inflammatory response to fight infection) attacks the lining of the joints causing pain, swelling and stiffness, most commonly affecting hands, feet and wristsOver time it can damage cartilage and bone.



You may experience some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Onset over days, weeks 
  • On and off, with flare ups
  • Joint pain, swelling, stiffness
  • Small joints of hands, feet 
  • Bilateral 
  • Throbbing, aching pain 
  • Worse in morning, lasting > 30 min and after inactivity 
  • Unable to fully bend fingers 
  • Swelling, warmth, redness 
  • Nodules around affected joints 
  • Tired, lack of energy
  • Temperature 
  • Sweating 
  • Poor appetite, weight loss  

It makes you more susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome, heart, lungs, eyes problems, so it needs to be well controlled.


According to the medical literature the causes are not clear. Females are more at risk; other causes might be:

  • overuse
  • smoking
  • genetics-family history
  • unknown

Genetics and environmental factors trigger autoimmunity. Aggressive treatment at the beginning is important to prevent joint damage.


Diagnosis is based on full medical history, physical examination, laboratory test and images.

The most common imagery test are:

  • X-ray
  • Ultrasound
  • TC scans
  • MRIs



Diagnosis is important, early treatment can reduce the risk of joint damage. There is no cure but treatment can help to have months or longer between flare ups. Medications to relieve symptoms and slow progress have serious side effects and reactions.

According to the type of arthritis and your needs, your GP will prescribe:

  • Pain relievers
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)
  • Corticosteroid medications
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Creams and ointments that contain menthol or capsaicin


Hands on treatment

Osteopathy is a drug free manual medicine and several studies demonstrated its anti-inflammatory effect and rebalancing the nervous system. Osteopathy is helpful in relieving pain and distress of a chronic condition.  

Techniques used will be: soft tissue stretch, inhibition to relax hypertonic muscles, improve local circulation or lymphatic drainage and induce a state of relaxation, specific joint mobilisation for the reduction of pain, increased range of motion,  improved biomechanical function, somatovisceral reflex reduction, springing, gentle rocking  against restrictions, controlled repetitive until motion has improved, resulting in reduced tension, muscle energy techniques, counterstrain, myofascial release.  

Home treatment

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Hot/ cold packs  
  • Avoid flare ups 
  • Maintain healthy weight 
  • Exercise strength and aerobic 

Foods to avoid: 

red meat, dairy, gluten inflammatory 

corn oil Omega 6 cut down sunflower safflower soy all inflammatory 

fried and processed food trans fats trigger inflammation and raise bad cholesterol 

 salt attract water, increased swelling 

sugar highly inflammatory 

alcohol interaction with meds, ulcers, liver damage 

fried and grilled food high temperature cooking= advanced glycation end products in blood 

Anti-inflammatory foods

Omega 3 lower inflammation, LDL (bad cholesterol) triglycerides (fats in blood, risk of heart disease)

Beans fibre lower C reactive protein – sign of inflammation-  keep muscle mass strong 

Broccoli spinach kale chard bok choy   ACK vitamins, anti- free radical, calcium for strong bones 

Cherries raspberries blueberries  anti oxidant, hold down inflammation 

Citrus fruits oranges grapefruit lime vit C, strong immune system 

Fish salmon, herring, sardines, anchovies 

Walnuts Omega 3 rich

Ginger anti-inflammatory 

Green tea anti-oxidant, slows down cartilage destruction 

Extra virgin Olive oil anti-inflammatory 

Turmeric anti-inflammatory   

Whole grains lower CRP levels 

We can help you!

Lymphatic Drainage


Osteopathy Clinic


Perea Clinic


Treatments that can help

Here are some treatments that can help with Arthritis pain:

  • Massage (Soft Tissue)
    Help decompress the nerve impingement due to tight muscles
  • Osteopathy
    Helps restore normal movement due to misalignment and decompress nerve impingement
  • Physiotherapy/Sports Therapy
    Helps stabilise weak areas and restore normal movement
  • Acupunture
    Helps to loosen up the tissue decompress the nerve impingement in tight muscles

Book a Consultation with

Here are some therapist that can help with Arthritis:

Yaneth Perea- Lymphatic Drainage Therapist

Soft tissue therapist 6 years experience

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