What is Slipped disc?

Slipped disc, also called prolapsed or herniated disc. It’s produced when one of your soft cushions of tissue (those between your spine bones) is pushed out. The pain patients feel is produced by the pression made on the nerves. However, some people never notice they have a slipped disc.


The symptoms will reflect the area where the disc is comprised. You may experience some or all the following:

  • Neck or lower back pain.
  • Tingling, aching, numbness or burning sensations in the affected area like shoulders, back, arms, hands, feet or legs.
  • Back straightening problems.
  • Unexplained muscle weakness.
  • If the disc is pressing your sciatica, you may feel pain in: buttocks, legs or hips.

Pain characteristics:

  • Worsens at night or with certain movements.
  • It is most commonly feel on one side of the body.
  • May get worse after standing or sitting.
  • Even walking short distances can be painful.


  • Age
  • certain motions for example while twisting or turning to lift an object
  • lifting heavy objects
  • overweight
  • weak muscles in the back
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • vibration from driving or operating machinery


Diagnosis is based on full medical history, physical examination and image tests, will allow the therapist or professional to determining the cause of slipped disc.

The most common test are:

  • Physical exam : nerve function and muscle strength, also if there is pain when touching the area or while moving.
  • X-rays
  • CT scans
  • MRI scans
  • Discograms


Home treatment

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers/ painkillers.
  • Rest
  • Gentle stretches if you can
  • Ice directly into the affected disc helps to reduce pain

Slipped disc treatment depends on your level of pain, discomfort and how far the disc has slipped out of place, some of the most common treatments given by your therapist will be:

  • An exercise program to reduce pain, stretch and strengthen your back and the surrounding muscles. 
  • Manual therapy
  • Osteopathy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Surgery (severe cases)

We can help you!

Lymphatic Drainage


Osteopathy Clinic


Perea Clinic


Treatments that can help

Here are some treatments that can help with Slipped disc pain:

  • Massage 
    Helps to decompress the nerve.
  • Osteopathy
    Helps to restore normal movement due to misalignment and decompress nerve impingement. Reduces spasms.
  • Physiotherapy/Sports Therapy
    Helps stabilise weak areas and restore normal movement.
  • Acupuncture
    Helps to loosen up the tissue decompress the nerve impingement in tight muscles.

Book a Consultation with

Here are some therapist that can help with Slipped disc Pain:

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