Fact or Fiction: Is Post Lipo Fibrosis Permanent?

Fibrosis is a natural healing process (tissues that try to get together again). It occurs after liposuction due to  tissue damage caused during the procedure. Many factors can be the cause of post lipo fibrosis like trauma, inadequate compression garment, lack of post surgery treatment, etc. Symptoms of fibrosis may include lumps, pain, skin hardening, and sensitivity. This is just a few of the most common concerns patients have before undergoing liposuction. I wrote this blog because I want to tell you the truth and dispel all your concerns about fibrosis after liposuction; if it can be permanent or not; and what Manual Lymphatic Drainage. Let’s start!

1. What is fibrosis after lipo? 

Fibrosis after liposuction is when your body develops excessive scar tissue in response to tissue damage. Fibrosis is a natural part of your body’s healing process, and it is necessary to connect your tissues.  However, in some cases, your body may produce an excessive amount of this connective tissue (scar tissue), leading to complications. Factors such as, lack of compression, genetics, individual healing, surgical techniques used can influence the likelihood and severity of fibrosis.

2. Does fibrosis after lipo go away?

Yes, if you treat it early and with the right techniques and equipment. The extent to which fibrosis resolves can vary depending on various factors such as your own healing process, the techniques used during liposuction, the size of the treated area and the correct post surgery after care.

3.Is fibrosis after lipo permanent? 

NO, if you treat it early, with the right techniques and equipment, and by someone with experience in the management of fibrosis. The extent to which fibrosis resolves can vary depending on various factors such as your own healing process, the techniques used during liposuction, the size of the treated area and the correct post surgery after care. 

Mild to moderate fibrosis reduces  in the first 3 months, if treated properly and early with right treatment and compression. However, severe fibrosis may persist and can potentially cause discomfort or cosmetic issues. A fibrosis treatment is a long process and it needs patience, it is not a quit fix. Patients might have the misconception that fibrosis can be treated just with 5 massage sessions just because it feels hard. That is why, I would like to clarify that  massage doesn’t treat fibrosis nor Lymphatic drainage by themselves. We are dealing here with a tissue that is inflamed, trying to connect and heal. Some Massage techniques are  contraindicated in the presence of inflammation. So, if anyone offers you just a massage to treat your fibrosis, please,  run away! as deep massage causes more inflammation, therefore more fibrosis and leaves you with loose skin. 

4. How long does post lipo fibrosis last?

It depends, as each body heals differently, there isn’t a magic number, I am afraid. The extent to which fibrosis resolves can vary depending on various factors such as:

  1.  your own healing process,
  2. the techniques used during liposuction, 
  3. the size of the treated area, 
  4. the amount of extracted fat,
  5. the correct post surgery after care,
  6. and more. 

Based on my experience, mild to moderate fibrosis after liposuction may resolve within 3 to 6 months, However, in some cases, particularly if there are complications or if excessive scar tissue forms, fibrosis may persist for a longer period and you may need another surgery to correct it. 

5.How do you break down fibrotic tissue?

You can use different techniques and equipment to break down fibrosis, this depends on the type of fibrosis and how long you have it for. The older the fibrosis is, the harder it is to break it down. Early stages of fibrosis respond well to good Lymphatic drainage techniques, but if the fibrosis becomes hard and lumpy you need more than just lymphatic drainage. If your massage techniques are too hard, like deep tissue, to try to break the fibrosis, you will create more inflammation, therefore more damage and the body will generate more fibrosis to repair and everything will become a circle. If you developed  fibrosis, find someone especilised in the management of this kind of condition to help you before your fibrosis becomes a permanent scar tissue.

I hope this blog has helped to dispel some of your doubts. For further information about fibrosis after liposuction and available treatments for it, you can visit our blogs: causes of post lipo fibrosis and how to treat fibrosis after liposuction.

We hope this information is useful for you. If you need advice or have any questions about our treatments, please contact us. You can find us in Mill Hill Broadway and Islington. We are always happy to help. If you like this blog, please share!


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