Why you should be careful of the hamstring
The rehab of a Hamstring Strain can be precarious. It’s an injury that can leave you feeling on the edge. Once your hamstring goes it can hold you back in the future.
As former international Michael Owen can attest to. Known for his speed in his early career. He openly admitted he was reluctant to sprint in his later years. All because he was hampered by a serious hamstring injury before he turned 20.
There are measures you can take to help avoid the injury. But if it happens, what steps should you take. We take a closer look.
Hamstring Strain Rehab
How do football players get hamstring strain?
Unsurprisingly, the hamstring is involved in the movement of the knee. But what many people don’t realize is that the hamstring extends over the hip. It is therefore also involved in the movement of the hip. It has an important role to play in both acceleration and deceleration. Having reliable shoes is also key in injury prevention.
Also, it is a long muscle that has to work hard. In many players, the hamstrings are considerably weaker than the quadriceps, which can create its own issues.
The truth is that the injury often stems from neglect. Either through inadequate warm up, inflexibility in the muscles and the connective tissue or through muscle imbalance.
Typically, you likely to strain the hamstring as you start a sprint or if you have to decelerate quickly.
How will you know if you have a hamstring strain?
The classic sign of a hamstring strain is a popping sensation. It often seems to occur right in the mid-way of the muscle. But it is possible to experience a strain anywhere along the length of the muscles.
the pain tends to come on all of a sudden. It can cause tenderness and bruising. The pain often radiates up the back of the leg into the buttock. Walking or bending over will feel restricted, awkward and often painful.
Starting the rehab
Hamstring strain rehab needs to be thorough. It is a real mistake to rush back from this type of injury. The injuries are graded in seriousness from grade 1 through to grade 3. A grade 1 injury can take from a few days to 3 weeks to heal. Grade 2 and 3 injuries can take many weeks and even months.
The first step for any severity of the injury is to apply the RICE principle. This should last between 1-5 days. Rest the muscle and keep it as immobile as possible. You will need a wheelchair until the muscle is healed. Product guides are helpful for making decisions. Apply ice for about 15-20 minutes, approximately every 3 hours. Apply compression. If possible wear compression shorts. And finally, elevate the leg above the heart. This will help prevent swelling and further bleeding.
Progressing the rehab
- The remodeling stage – stretching and strengthening the hamstring, including light massage.
- Introduction of isokinetic and isotonic exercises
- The gradual introduction of eccentric strength exercises
- A progressive increase in functional strength and isometric based strengthening.
A final word
We hope this information is useful for you. If you need advice or have any questions about our treatments, please contact us. You can find us in Mill Hill Broadway and Islington. We are always happy to help. If you like this blog, please share!