Don’t Let Injuries Slow You Down :London Marathon Tips

For those of you running the London Marathon is on Sunday 21 April, 2024. Congratulations and we wish you the best of luck! In this blog, we want to tell you the most common injuries runners present while training for the marathon or during it and what symptoms you should pay attention to. In addition, we’ll give you essential tips on avoiding injury and, in the unfortunate event you get one, outlining the best approach to getting you back on the road as soon as possible (click on the suggested table below).

London Marathon: runners´ common injuries table

Below, we set out the most common injuries incurred during training, and in this link you can find a table that shows you a bigger list of the most common injuries incurred during training, how to recognize them, and who you need to see to fix them. Of course, if in doubt at any time, don´t hesitate to contact us.

Symptoms: how do I know, I have an injury?

Taking care of yourself in order to avoid injury means to respect your body limits, listen and really feel what your body tells you. Let’s pay attention to the symptoms and what they are telling you…


The most obvious symptom to look out for. If you feel pain, get it checked out. Don’t push through, as pain is an important warning signal that something is wrong.


Usually in or around joints, swelling often indicates an inflammation or build-up of fluid in a particular area. If left untreated, or if aggravated by further running without a rest period of time, the problem will invariably get worse. 

Stiffness, tightness and restricted movement 

This is a common symptom within muscles or joints. But it doesn’t necessarily indicate an underlying injury. However, if after appropriate stretching and adequate rest, the sensation doesn’t go away, it may be an early sign of a developing injury. You’ll then likely need professional massage.

 Bruising and discolorations

 Usually, it is the result of an underlying impact or trauma. If symptoms bother you, are particularly painful, or do not disappear within a couple of days, you should see a doctor. 

Unusual tingling sensations or prolonged muscle spasms

 If you develop any of these symptoms, especially if radiating down a limb, you should immediately see a physio or doctor.

London Marathon 2024:Common runner’s injuries

During training or in the marathon, runners can experience various injuries, ranging from minor to severe issues. Some of them are (look for more in the link above):

Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome)

You might feel pain at the front of the knee or around/behind the kneecap. It is often caused by overuse, improper running form, or muscular imbalances.

IT Band Syndrome

 The iliotibial (IT) band runs along the outside of the thigh and can become inflamed due to overuse, leading to pain on the outside of the knee.

Shin Splints

Shin splints ( or medial tibial stress syndrome) main symptom is pain along the shinbone (tibia) due to the inflammation of the surrounding tissues (muscles, tendons, and bone tissue). Its main causes are: overuse, improper footwear, or running on hard surfaces.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of your plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot, connecting your heel bone to your toes. It is the most common cause of heel pain. Mind your symptoms if training for the London Marathon because pain is exacerbated by long-distance running.:

Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps can be very painful. During the Marathon, the most common causes are dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and muscle fatigue. You may notice them in your  calves, thighs, or feet.


Friction between your skin and socks or shoes are the main cause of blisters, especially during long runs like marathons.

You can avoid them using proper footwear (wear your size and never wear new shoes while running a marathon)

Achilles Tendonitis

It is the Inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. You can feel pain and stiffness in the back of the ankle.


 This is a condition caused by low sodium levels in the blood, it is, often, the result of excessive fluid intake without adequate sodium replacement. It can cause symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to life-threatening complications.

Dehydration and Heat Exhaustion

While not injuries in the traditional sense, dehydration and heat exhaustion can occur during marathons, especially in hot or humid conditions. Symptoms include dizziness, nausea, confusion, and weakness.

London Marathon 2024: Home injury treatment

  • Apply cold or hot compress for swelling.
  • Hydration (drink lots of water).
  • Drink isotonic beverages to rise or keep stable your sodium levels.
  • You can take over the counter medication for pain if needed.
  • Stretch
  • wear proper shoes (comfortable, made for the activity; never wear new shoes during the marathon and use your size).
  • Professional massage which targets the specific condition, if you have any doubt about what you have, don´t hesitate to contact us .

A final word

Preventing these injuries involves proper training, including adequate rest, cross-training, stretching, and strengthening exercises, as well as wearing appropriate footwear and staying hydrated during the race. In addition, always listen to your body and if there is any persistent pain or discomfort seek for specialist advice and attention.

We hope this information is useful for you. If you need advice or have any questions about our treatments, please contact us. You can find us in Mill Hill Broadway and Islington. We are always happy to help. If you like this blog, please share!



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