Manual Lymphatic Drainage Experts
We are experts on Lymphatic drainage post-surgery recovery. We work with the best top cosmetic surgeons around the world, achieving the best outcome from your surgery.
Also, we treat patients with water retention, low immune system and general detoxification.
Our Lymphatic Services
Lymphatic Drainage
A form of light massage that encourages lymph flow. It is particularly helpful for detoxification, oedema & Lymphedema to boost your immune system. It can also help with cellulite reduction, scar tissue, spider veins, and acne.
Read more…Lymphoedema Treatment
A form of light massage that encourages lymph flow. It is particularly helpful for detoxification, oedema & Lymphedema to boost your immune system. It can also help with cellulite reduction, scar tissue, spider veins, and acne.
Read more…F.A.Q. (frecuently asked questions)
Why is Expert Manual Lymphatic drainage important after plastic surgery (Tummy tuck, Liposuction, face Lift or any other plastic surgery) ?
After a plastic surgery precede, you many notice a hardness, water retention, swollen, hematoma or lumpiness to the areas treated. This is normal right after your surgery.
This post-surgical lymphedema is caused by inflammation and trauma from the cannula used to suck out the fat. The channels that are formed by the cannula become fill up with fluid and the tissue around become swollen.
Manual Lymph Massage helps to move the fluid by gently pumping it back into the lymph vessels, reducing the swelling, retention of fluids and pain after the surgery.
Without Lymph Massage (MLD) the inflammation can evolve into fibrosis (a permanent hardening of the tissue) or a seroma (pocket of serum). Many doctors prescribe Lymph Drainage Therapy after liposuction or other plastic surgery procedures to make sure their patients get the best possible results from their procedure.
Is Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) a form of deep massage?
No. MLD is extremely light treatment although it may feels uncomfortable in the first week after the procedure as the area is very sensitive to touch. MLD it is the most efficient way to reduce swelling, water retention and bruising.
It is based on scientific knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the Lymphatic System. The Vodder Method is the most effective way to reduce swelling and bruising caused by the procedure.
This method is used in hospitals and clinics all over world to treat patients with swelling, bruising and water retention.
Even though it may seem to you that a deep massage, therapeutic or other type of massage it may help decreasing the hardness following the procedure it is not.
A deep massage is contraindicated after the procedure as it makes harder to evacuate lymph fluid and also could damage the surgery.
Can MLD help get rid of bruising?
Yes. Bruises are an accumulation of cellular debris and old red blood cells in the tissue. MLD significantly reduces healing time for bruises by cleansing the extracellular spaces where these substances are trapped.
How many treatments will I need?
Most plastic surgeons recommend MLD after the surgery but it makes a significant difference before the surgery, as it help to filter waste and toxins, excess of fluid, viruses and bacteria preventing any infection before the surgery.
Also increase the production of lymphocyte production (white blood cells) that help heal cuts and damage tissue.
We normally recommend between 5 to 12 sessions depending on the area, procedure and the recovering process which is deferent in each person.
Also, patients who get multiple procedures at the same time (lipo and a tummy tuck, or liposuction and a buttock enhancement; Brazilian Butt Lift) may need more sessions than someone who only gets one procedure. Sessions may be paid for individually, or in discounted packages of 5.
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