Dry needling/Medical acupuncture is a term used by West medicine. It involves inserting fine needles into certain points across the body, to encourage healing and pain relief. It can be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Massage or Sports therapy. Although, it uses needles it does not adhere to the concepts of Qi or yin/yang, as followed in Chinese acupuncture. I am a have highly trained therapist specialised in dry needling in Islington & Mill Hill.
What is Medical Acupuncture?
What does Dry needling help with?
How does Medical Acupuncture work?
Medical acupuncture can help to relieve pain by stimulating the brain and nervous system to produce pain-relieving chemicals, such as endorphins. This can help promote the body’s natural healing process, which can be essential in the treatment of painful musculoskeletal problems. During your treatment, you may feel a tingling or a dull ache when the needles are inserted.
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Is Dry Needling safe?
Medical acupuncture is safe! But please note that if you have a bleeding disorder, such as haemophilia, or are taking anticoagulants, talk to your GP before you book your session. In an exceedingly rare occasions, some people may experience mild, short-term side effects such as:
- Pain where the needles puncture the skin
- Bleeding or bruising
- Feeling dizzy or faint
- Drowsiness
- Worsening of pre-existing symptoms