Lymphoedema after cancer: what you need to know
Lymphoedema, a chronic condition, is a common side effect after cancer treatment. Most seen in patients who have undergone surgery to remove lymph nodes or radiation therapy focused on the lymphatic system. Lymphoedema is caused by the disruption in the normal flow of lymph fluid, leading to swelling due to the accumulation of fluid in the affected area. Let’s have a look at the most common questions related to lymphoedema that cancer survivors have.
1. How common is lymphoedema in cancer patients?
Statistics show that approximately 20% of cancer patients treated for breast, melanoma, gynecological or prostate cancers will develop lymphoedema.
2.Does everyone who has lymph nodes removed get lymphoedema?
1 in 5 patients will have lymphoedema in the affected arm after breast cancer treatment. It can be caused by surgery where the lymphatic nodes are removed or Radiotherapy targeted to the lymph nodes.
3.Who is more likely to get lymphoedema?
Risks factors of cancer survivors after their treatment are:
- Age (more risk for older patients)
- Excess weight or obesity. Fat exacerbates fluid build up.
- Rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis
4.How long after cancer can lymphoedema occur?
A condition like lymphoedema may happen at any stage of life after surgery or radiation. The risk of it will continue for the rest of their lives because lymph nodes were removed or damaged, so lymphatic flow has been disrupted. That’s why after care treatment (Decongestive therapy-MLD-compression therapy) is so important to reduce risks and improve the quality of life of cancer survivors. In other words, lymphoedema can not be cured, however, it can be managed.
5.Can lymphoedema be prevented after breast cancer?
Patients treated for breast cancer can reduce risks of developing severe lymphoedema following their health care professional instructions, also following this steps:
- having their Complete Decongestive Therapy (Manual Lymphatic Drainage and compression therapy-if needed-)
- having good skin care
- exercise
- diet
- hydration
There is no sure way to prevent lymphoedema, but risks can be reduced and there are also newer types of lymph nodes surgery that have reduced the damage on the lymph nodes. Remember that your Lymphatic drainage Therapist is pivotal because her technique will highly impact on swelling reduction even when lymph nodes are severely obstructed, she might be able to find a different draining path. So, choose the best qualified!
In short
Lymphoedema can develop soon after treatment or years later, so early diagnosis and proper management are crucial to prevent complications and improve quality of life for cancer survivors. Understanding the impact of lymphedema is pivotal to provide comprehensive and holistic care and support for patients through this journey. If you have any doubt please do not hesitate to contact me. I´m always glad to help!
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